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Our K-12 Program

At Woodlynde, we are committed to skill-building, whether those skills are in reading, comprehension, math, social-emotional development, or executive function.

We understand that if a student can’t demonstrate a skill, it needs further development and explicit instruction. This may seem familiar when it comes to adding digits, writing a sentence, or using a microscope, but Woodlynde recognizes that many other skills go into a successful school experience too!

What sets us apart

Unmatched Understanding

Woodlynde is committed to understanding your student’s needs at a level unmatched by traditional school programs.

Our teachers and learning specialists

  • partner with parents
  • craft detailed learning profiles
  • use progress monitoring tools

And more to meet your student where they are! Our resources, combined with the warmth of our community, create a unique environment for your student to thrive.

A male and female students smiling as they conduct a classroom science experiment using a skinny test tube and a Bunsen burner.

Develop Learning Skills

Woodlynde understands some skills that students need to develop may not be in a book or reflected on a report card.

A successful day at school requires not only reading, writing, and math, but also harder-to-define skills like organization, focus, studying, and peer collaboration. Just as we would identify and teach skills in the academic arena, Woodlynde’s ecosystem of experts creates learning opportunities and gentle coaching for these skills. (link: Connections/SEL)

Self Advocates

Woodlynde’s curriculum includes distinct courses designed and adapted on-site to meet our unique population.

In Metacognition, students learn about how they learn best. That includes how to study, get organized, explain their learning profile, and become effective self-advocates.

The Connections Program, created at Woodlynde, was developed to reach our learners in thoughtfully-planned cohorts. Our School Psychologist, Counselors, and Social-Emotional Learning Specialist have designed a fully-scoped curriculum of skills related to stress, studying, screen time, friendships, mindful practice, and other key growth points, using the evidence-based CASEL framework. 


Woodlynde recognizes that our colleagues are all teachers and coaches in all skill areas, despite what the name of the class may be on the schedule.

Many of our content area teachers are trained and certified in Wilson Fundations, Just Words, or Wilson Reading System, and all colleagues are trained in the Science of Reading. Similarly, colleagues from all departments have trained in various evidence-based approaches, such as the Concrete-Representational-Abstract (CRA) Method for Mathematics, The Writing Revolution approach, Universal Design for Learning (UDL), SMARTS Executive Functioning, and a variety of other programs.


Our approach to literacy is evidence-based and grounded in the Science of Reading (SoR).

We know that our students benefit from an explicit, systematic, phonics-based approach to decoding and encoding, as well as a text-rich environment of both literature and nonfiction. That's why our teachers use this approach in all areas of study - not just Reading classes - including the Sciences, Social Sciences, and other disciplines.

As students enter the middle grades and gain more reading skills, there are various paths of literacy skill-building matched to the student’s individual needs.

Learners may continue with Wilson Reading System and Just Words, but we also offer our in-house Communications, Reading, and Writing (CRW) program that was developed here at Woodlynde by our reading specialists. 

Similarly, students in the middle and upper grades can engage with literature and higher-order writing, while continuing a simultaneous skill-building path built right into their schedule.

We are committed to ensuring that our students can receive the supports they need without sacrificing other courses or opportunities offered elsewhere in the course catalog. 


With almost 50 years working with students who learn differently, we know that many trends have come and gone in the field of mathematics. That is why we not only teaching math processes and algorithms, but also number sense, reasoning, and a strong foundation for higher-order mathematics.

  • Foundation

Our K-5 teachers are trained in the Concrete-Representational-Abstract (CRA) method of building math understanding and fluency.

For each new concept, students

  • begin with manipulatives
  • move into representational images
  • demonstrate mastery with the concept
  • move into using numbers, number-lines, and algorithms



In grades 6-8, competency in multi-step operations and processes is essential! 

Our math teachers build strong executive skills as they teach critical math concepts. Students are provided with:

  • notetaking templates
  • charts
  • graphic organizers
  • and other accommodations

to support their success in pre-algebraic and algebraic concepts.


Many students in grades 6-8 also take Project-Based Math (PBM), a skill-building course designed to strengthen areas where students may need additional time to build their skills.

 Progress monitoring and teacher feedback allow our team to create hands-on projects that address foundational skills which need additional support. 


For our 9-12 grade students, we offer a variety of courses and accommodations so students can get a balance of support and challenge.

We offer courses in supportive skills and real-life applications, such as Math Applications and Personal Finance, as well as transcript-builders like Pre-Calculus and Calculus. The thoughtful support and data-keeping of a dedicated learning specialist remains a constant presence for our students, even as they push into more advanced courses. 

Content Area Classes

Students are just as engaged in extracting meaning from text, writing cohesive paragraphs, and building executive functions in the Science and Social Science classrooms as anywhere else!

Explore More

Where to Begin

Wondering where to begin your Woodlynde journey? Take a look at our admissions process and learn all there is to know about Woodlynde.

Experts in Education

Woodlynde teachers are not only experts in their content area, but are experts in Learning Differences.

Support Services

It's not just on you anymore. Each Woodlynde students works with Learning Specialists, a Director College Guidance, Social-Emotional Counselors and more.