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Learning Differences Glossary

Quick Definitions

Anxiety Disorders

An umbrella diagnostic term that involves excessive fear or anxiety and related behavioral changes.  

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

AD/HD – the abbreviation for the medical diagnosis and neurodevelopmental disorder of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. 

Auditory Processing Disorder

Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) is a broad term to describe a variety of different auditory challenges. Generally, auditory processing disorders impact the brain's interpretation of sounds.

Autism Spectrum Disorder - Level 1

A neurodevelopmental diagnosis characterized by deficits in two main areas of functioning: (1) social-communication; (2) restrictive and repetitive behaviors and interests.

Biopsychosocial Evaluation

A type of evaluation that considers biological, psychological, and social factors in understanding an individual’s health and behavior.


The DSM stands for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders


Dyscalculia is the broad term for individuals with a neurodevelopmental disorder in mathematics.


Dysgraphia is the broad term for individuals with a neurodevelopmental disorder in writing,


Dyslexia is the broad term for individuals with a neurodevelopmental disorder in reading. 

Executive Functions

A set of neurological skills whereby we utilize sensory information and thought processes in order to act within the world. 

Fine-Motor Development

Fine-Motor Development – refers to the growth and refinement of small muscle movements, particularly those involving the hands and fingers, and enabling precise and coordinated actions. 

Gross-Motor Development

Gross-Motor Development – refers to the growth and refinement of large muscle movements and coordination, typically involving the muscles of the arms, legs, torso, and feet.


ICD is the manual constructed by the World Health Organization, which sets out criteria for medical classifications

Neuropsychological Evaluation

a comprehensive psychological evaluation that includes measures of cognitive, emotional, and behavioral functioning, and is used to understand how different areas and systems of the brain are functioning. 

Non-Verbal Learning Disability

a neuropsychological and cognitive profile of individuals dealing with lateralization, whereby the right hemisphere shows significant deficits relative to left hemispheric functioning