Walk in Your Student's Shoes: Simulating Dyslexia and Executive Functioning Challenges

Location: Schmader Student Commons

The Literacy Institute at Woodlynde School proudly presents "Walk in Your Student's Shoes: Simulating Dyslexia and Executive Functioning Challenges" led by Penny Moldofsky, Director of The Literacy Institute.

This powerful, live-and-in-person simulation puts participants in the position of a student with dyslexia or executive functioning challenges. Join others for a series of small, facilitator-led activities that promise to give you a deeper understanding of what students with learning challenges deal with, what helps them succeed, and what may get in the way of learning.

Space is limited due to safety protocols, so register early.

Woodlynde School is a private, co-ed college prep day school located in suburban Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, that serves intelligent, talented students with learning differences in grades K - 12. Woodlynde provides a comprehensive, evidence-based Kindergartenelementarymiddle and high school program in a challenging yet nurturing environment for students with average to above average cognitive abilities (IQ) who have language- or math-based learning differences (such as Dyslexia, Dysgraphia or Dyscalculia), Executive Function Challenges, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), or Auditory Processing Disorder. Even for those students without a diagnosed learning disability (LD), Woodlynde offers expert and caring teachers in small classroom settings that support academic success. Woodlynde School also offers a post-graduate (PG) program in partnership with Rosemont College as well as a regional Summer Camp for students who learn differently.